Steph "TR"
Author of the Bestselling Book
Reaching through Time & Space:
A Journey Toward Truth
I Love You
TR's Latest Releases...
#1 Amazon Bestseller
Somewhere along the line, we were taught Fear.
And not only were we taught to fear, but we were taught to fear ourselves.
Fear is the enemy.
Always was.
And once man gave himself over to Fear, he stopped being able to see the Truth.
In this debut memoir – Reaching Through Time & Space: A Journey Toward Truth – Steph “TR” Harper helps you dig DEEEEP and undo the fuckery that has been done to your Mind.
As she has learned on her journey:
Knowledge is neither good nor evil.
It’s how it is used that matters.
It’s been used against you without your awareness for ages.
Perhaps it’s time to even out the fight, yes?
And reading this book is a good place to start.
Available in ebook & paperback on Amazon
Spiritual Tough Love
I don't even know how to begin this review. I'm only halfway through the book and I love the way it is structured. It has a journal format to it with dates added as it was written. Steph describes how we've been duped all of our lives by fear and yet it is so much more than that. Quantum Physics, Self-Realization and just great story telling about how to untangle yourself from it all. Plus, I love a woman who knows how to drop an F bomb here and there to drive the point home... Looking forward to the next one.
“I wish I would have had this book when I was starting my Journey Toward Truth going on 11 years ago, but WOW! am I glad I have it now. It’s a book I keep going back to again and again, always learning something new as my truth expands and deepens. Looking forward to more from TR!”
This book is perfect!
I laughed, I cried, wow what a beautiful journey! This book will forever change anyone who is on a healing journey and even a spiritual journey of any kind, I loved it! It's a much needed book for the things unfolding before our eyes right now... Your entire perception and perspective will change. This book is soul healing.
Universal Traveler Al
Amazon Reader
D. D. Scott,
International Bestselling Author
About the Author
Steph "TR" Harper
Steph (TR) Harper is a modern renaissance woman, formally educated in everything from electrical engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology and Air Battle Management in the US Air Force to glasswork with a master’s degree from the University for the Creative Arts in the United Kingdom. She has worked as an independent studio artist for over fifteen years and has also amassed knowledge and training in energy work, transpersonal psychology, herbal medicine, homeopathy, and esoteric studies. Through all of this, she writes.
Coming Soon!
Publishing December 2024
I mentioned Sungazing (and the Sun itself) so much in my first book that it seemed appropriate to give you an overview on how to do it.
Ok, here goes…
1) Go outside
2) Look at the Sun
—The End—
Ok, ok, I’m kidding.
Although, in essence, that’s pretty much the gist of it. That said, there are a few other things to consider, and in this book will share what I know with you on the ancient practice of Sungazing.